Monday, September 28, 2009

Pelosi insurance tax to fund health care

The house speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Friday a tax will be placed on high end insurance plans. Currently house democrat leaders are working on finalizing the bill. They are trying to cut around 200 billion dollars from the costs. The congressional buisness office estimated that the bill would be around $1.1 trillion, but Obama wants it to be around $900 billion. This tax has a surtax on the wealthy americans who make over $350,000 a year.
If we want to have a health care plan this would be a wonderful way to fund it. With the shortage of money and the weak economy it would only make sense to tax the people that have a great amount of money. Although the rich may disagree they should stop being so selfish and have some civic virtue. Many of those people have no need for most of their money, but they still want more, more, more. Its about time our government started realizing the wealthy should fork out the most money because they need it the least.

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