Monday, October 26, 2009

Yankees advance to world Series- Ashton Gronholz

New York defeated the Los Angeles Angels last night taking the best of 7 series in 6 games. The 5-2 defeat knocked the angels out of the running for the world series while the Yankees make an astonishing 40th franchise world series visit. Their next game will be against the Phillies on wednesday night in the Bronx. There was a record breaking 50,173 fans at the new yankee stadium that cost 1.5 billion. The Yankees recorded their first AL pennet since 2003. Rodriguez is looking forward to his first world series appearance and he did all he could to make that happen with a .586 on-base percentage. Including the division series win against the Twins, Rodriguez has hit five home runs with 12 RBIs. In previous playoffs he lacked the batting touch swinging in at just .148.
I think its a joke that the yankees are even allowed to participate in MLB. With an outragous salary cap of around 160 million it unevens the playing field dramatically. Just look at their roster, every single name is well known or atleast heard of by even the smallest fan. With players like Rodriguez, Jeter, Sabathia, and the list goes on and on it's no wonder why they make the playoffs every year. They should be ashamed when they dont make the world series because of that roster. Being a Twins fan i feel people just may feel im jealous my team lost, however a proper baseball fan would agree with me. A team thats allowed so much leway when it comes to salary cap should not be allowed to participate. Something needs to be done immediately to even this team out and make it fair for every other team in Major leage baseball.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Current Issue Blog

Spending what we can afford is a major topic being discussed in our national government at this time and age. Many issues are spread across the sheet, this sticks out the most for me. "Paygo" a rule congress thought up in 2007 requires that any tax cuts or increases in entitlement spending be offset with spending reductions elsewhere. This means exactly what the title says. However much money we have to spend, thats all we can use no more. It is unsure whether this would be the right way to go because they say it will only cause tax increases to pay for new programs. On the other hand many agree with this idea because they say it will stop the national debt from going up, or better yet start to decrease it. Alot of people are afraid it will only cost most to make this happen, but congress believes they can do it without increasing the national debt, and the program has the mobility to be suspended in times of recession or crisis. Social Security, and Medicare for example are two programs we have right now we are running out of money for. Programs like these do help the American people greatly that is why we need money for them. It is said that by 2017 the government will be spending more money for these programs than they are recieving from taxes meaning the debt will keep going up. With pay go we will be able to limit the programs use to people that really need them, and in turn not spend more than we have.

I believe pay go would have a fantastic outcome for us. I dont see how it would have a negative effect except for limiting the people taking advantage of benefits they dont actually need. Which would actually be wonderful. There is no reason why our social security should be running out if all citizens over 18 pay taxes. Our government needs to tighten up on those people using programs they have no use for. If people thought about others for once rather than just themselves we would be much better off, Civic Virtue. Pay go would be a great add on to our counry. It would have only positive effects. Take a look at a smaller idea. People who dont use credit cards for example and stay out of debt by only spending what they earn are in much better condition than people in debt. I know people like this and that is why i can say they dont have financial problems, atleast from debt. That is why pay go would be great. People (especially Americans) need to realize by spending no more than what you have life would be so much easier. Jim Hightower, generally has the same opinion I do when it comes to lowering the national debt. What better way than use Pay go to limit government spending and only put the money where it is truly needed. JIM HIGHTOWER. HALLEY THUL current event article on social security/ Jon Schwegal blog warfare spending.

Friday, October 9, 2009

ACORN chief says videos make my stomach turn- Aaron Rentschler

After reading Aarons blog it opened my eyes to a thing i would have never expected. ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), is a federally funded organization that is supposed to be helping low income families with; safety, health care, and other social issues. This organization was found showing underage girls how to start prosituting and other major issues. The chief of is very upset because she didnt know this was going on and now they are trying to work to fix the corruption. Aaron was discusted with how instead of helping people they were giving them advice on how to start illegal businesses. He also noted that businesses like Bank of America have pulled their funding.
I agree with Aarons position on this issue. If an organization is made to help others in a good way they shouldnt be wasting government money to do the complete opposite. I too am discusting after reading they were doing the things they did. How can someones morals be screwed up so much they dont even realize how bad something like this is. Any normal, ethically human being would even think of providing help for prostitution or other illegal businesses. This is just another example of all the corrupt people in this world. We need none of it and anyone caught doing lude acts such as this should be put in jail and kept away from society for life because either way they waste tax money.

Friday, October 2, 2009


President Obama recently spoke to the international Olympic committee on Friday urging them to pick his home town of Chicago for the 2016 Olympic games. He said the site would represent America well, because of the American dream and will have great Olympic spirit. While talking to the 106 members of IOC in Copenhagen, Denmark it was the final chance of being chosen for the host city. Obama thinks putting on big events and scores of visitors is just a walk in the park for Chicago. Chicago is 1 of 4 cities put in front of the committee and they're all trying to get in the last word. Experts say all 4 cities have a good chance but Chicago may have a slight edge.
I think this would be a great experience for the visitors and athletes. Anytime the Olympics take place in America that seems to be the center of attention for a couple weeks. Most Americans enjoy sports and that's why Chicago would be a prime spot for the Olympics. Its a big sports city with the bears, white sox, blackhawks, and much much more. Supporting Obama seems the only way to go because someday i hope to go to the olympic games and how convienent it would be if they were as close as Chicago.