Friday, October 9, 2009

ACORN chief says videos make my stomach turn- Aaron Rentschler

After reading Aarons blog it opened my eyes to a thing i would have never expected. ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), is a federally funded organization that is supposed to be helping low income families with; safety, health care, and other social issues. This organization was found showing underage girls how to start prosituting and other major issues. The chief of is very upset because she didnt know this was going on and now they are trying to work to fix the corruption. Aaron was discusted with how instead of helping people they were giving them advice on how to start illegal businesses. He also noted that businesses like Bank of America have pulled their funding.
I agree with Aarons position on this issue. If an organization is made to help others in a good way they shouldnt be wasting government money to do the complete opposite. I too am discusting after reading they were doing the things they did. How can someones morals be screwed up so much they dont even realize how bad something like this is. Any normal, ethically human being would even think of providing help for prostitution or other illegal businesses. This is just another example of all the corrupt people in this world. We need none of it and anyone caught doing lude acts such as this should be put in jail and kept away from society for life because either way they waste tax money.

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