Friday, November 13, 2009

Google phone service- Ashton

This whole article basically stresses how important phones are to Americans. Mobile phones being as expensive as they are companies are constantly trying to find an edge and lower costs whille still getting paid. This last week google has finally came out of the closet. They've been working on this issue for some time and finally bought Gizmo5 an online phone company. The idea behind it is since google has such cheap fiber they will be able to lower phone costs dramatically, putting a little more cash in our pockets. "If AT&T is Coca-Cola, Google is now 7-UP," Abramson said. By this he means google will most definately be able to compete with other major phone services if not surpass them in the upcoming years.
I would just like to say an early congratulations to Google. If they plan lives up to the talk this would be a huge step in lower phone bills. Im lucky enough to have parents who pay for my bills, however ive seen the numbers and they arent pretty. It's a little ridiculous how spendy cellular devices are, but the sky is clearing up. I have nothing more to say except I support this plan 150%. By saving so many people hundreds of dollars each year its much larger than we think. A plan would cost roughly 6 dollars a month (just an early estimate give or take a few $) compared to the 50$ and up price per phone might i add. With technology becoming more and more advanced it seemed bills would only increase, not the case. Thanks Google, i hope everything goes accordingly.

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