Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Health Care blog- Ashton Gronholz

Issue #3- Safe to Eat?

Issue 3 focuses on the sale of organic products throughout the U.S. that can be linked to the health care system. It talks about some food born illnesses like E-coli, and an outbreak in 2006 that came from a California farm where pigs and cow manure spread in a spinach field and contaminated the food. Many experts say the increase of illnesses such as these, the blame can be put on us somewhat. We eat alot more raw and organic food to stay healthy so obviously the risk of spreading problems will also increase. Most food is becoming centralized partially because certain foods can only be grown in certain climates so for states such as California and Arizona about half of the nations produce come from them. Another problem we can work to solve is making one government regulated agency that should account for all meat, and agricultural products. The FDA for example oversee the fruit and vegetable industry. Where as the Dedpartment of Agriculture watch over meat and poultry. Many argue that there should be just one and these other agencies should merge together to form 1 mass regulator. They think the government could respond much quicker and efficiently than before.

Better health care, isn't that what we all want. Well if we had one major inspection agency for all food products, we could then focus on the necessities. Food is a major part of our economy, however health care is 1/6. That is a staggering statistic. With something that plays such a major role in this country we need to do our best to make it succeed. In my opinion were struggling to do that. Prices are soaring and we need to fix that. A major issue talked about is how people need to feel safe when they eat food; 1 agency could do this. They could all work together to better the country. Rush Limbaugh Somewhat agrees with my stand on the issue. Put into different words he is a conservative and he favors what the government already has but bradual change is sometimes needed. Aaron Rentschler issue 2, Tim lukes issue 1.

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