Friday, December 11, 2009

Bully video- Ashton

This story was a video of a bully someone captured on tape. They were heckleing a girl that clearly wanted nothing to do with them. In the background there are others talking some agging the bully on and others telling her to stop, but no steps in and actually stops whats happening. It doesnt turn into a full scale fight, but the bully eventually punches the other girl then walks away. It doesnt show what caused to girl to act out like this. Im sure it was an over reaction to something small.
I think its great this is on the news because incidents like this happen all the time where a bigger boy or girl pick on another person just because there bigger, stronger and want to. It's not blown out of proportion when its put on the news. Things like this need to be stopped. Kids need to know they should help one another if their in trouble. Fighting solves nothing and is tramatic to everyone. Violence starts at a young age and progressively gets worse as people grow up. They start feeling more confident and may do things others wouldnt dream about. So its best we stop it at the root and makes sure kids are aware of problems like this so in the future it won't happen and crime rates would almost certainly go down.

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