Thursday, December 17, 2009

jobs and welfare blog issue #1- Ashton Gronholz

Does life really have to be unfair. That is a well known statement parents use on children when they deny them something they want. It's also used by wealthy Americans who are on the top of the mountain looking down at others working their butts off just to get off to get to the first ledge. Issue #1 talks about the increasing gap between the wealthy and middle class. While the share of national income going to the wealthy has increased 8%, the share going to the bottom 20% of society has actually decreased. This is a problem facing the American government as well as in other countries but the solution can't be found when people are butting heads to stand up for their side. Some people believe increasing taxes on the wealthy while decreasing taxes on middle class and people in poverty will help dramatically. The other side says job protection and trade barriers would reduce business profits and leave less to distribute to employees which barely helps the workers. They also believe raising taxes on wealthy would hurt everyone and eventually everything will work itself out. Globalization helped America because we are the kings of innovation, but now we are working to adapt and find a way to prosper once again.

In my mind there's only 1 clear cut answer to this problem, raise taxes. The wealthy people are only getting wealthier and this makes absolutely no sense. Why should they be getting richer when poverty is increasing and more and more people are struggling each day just to survive. The rich can argue by increasing taxes they will have less money to pay their employees and will only be forced to fire some. That is a lie, they do have the money if they are getting richer and if this is the case we need to set strict restrictions limiting their options. There are always going to be those people only looking out for themselves, but we need to try our best to cut them out of the picture. It may be true people get corrupt with power and only want more for themselves, and when that happens its time for them to take a gut check and look for the greater good. I dont see how they can sit and watch others suffer when they are reaping the benefits. In my opinion the corrupt wealthy people are among the most smug and evil criminals in this world and its about time would find a way to stop them. Tax the wealthy and if they have a problem with it tax them more because if they need to learn a valuble lesson the only way to get through to them is punishment. David Obey a Wisconsin Democrat and the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee agrees with taxing the wealthy. It doesnt say he directly agrees with taxing them more for everything, but he's definately for it. His stand point is taxing the wealthy for an increase in troops over in Afghanistan. Someone needs to pay for them if they are sent and he strongly thinks the wealthy should. Tim Lukes issue # 2,Kate Gearman.

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