Monday, December 21, 2009

Obama TARP losses-Ashton Gronholz

President Obama is looking into the future expecting billions of dollars lost in Troubled Asset Relief Program. He is working on a plan to cushion this expected blow. He will release his plan on Thursday that will put fees on the countrys biggest financial institutions. It would raise up to 120 billion to ensure the taxpayers that paid for bailing out the banks are paid back. The 700 billion program allowed Obama to ask congress to recoup money if bailouts werent paid back.
I think this is a great idea, and a huge step in paying back this massive bill we needed that put us in debt. The companies that we helped get their foundation back are now strong enough to begin paying back their dues to the people that helped them. Obama did exactly what needed to be done and did exactly what he said he was going to do if the bill wasnt paid back in time. Not many presidents do what they say and I have a little more respect for him now. Our economy is slowly getting better and the taxpayers that helped rescue our corporations in trouble deserve retribution for their contribution to society. Bills are slowly being paid back and only time can tell when we will be in full stride again.

Senate health care bill clears key hurdle- Ashton Gronholz

This is another article pertaining to the new health care bill still in limbo between the different political parties. People on both sides of the parties are for and against the bill with their own reasoning of why. The main bullet point of the article is the democrats recently "won a major victory in their push for the health care reform". The package has been revised to an $871 billion bill. The vote line was 60-40. It was casted around 1 a.m. and is keeping democrats on line to pass the bill on Christmas Eve. President Obama is that much closer to claiming victory on his push for the bill. This would be the biggest expansion of health care guarantees since medicare and medicaid 40 years ago.
The new health care bill is possibly the hardest decision Americans have had to make in the last 20 years. This being said its no wonder why people are having trouble taking sides. I myself am having difficulty siding. No one knows whether it would help the country and its people or pull us apart. There are only educated guesses on what would happen if the bill passed. Im slightly leaning towards the passing, because I strongly agree in equality and fairness. Everyone deserves the same health care even if they cant afford it. When it comes to this there should be no separation of classes, all people are created equal and its very typically for the wealthy to recieve priority over lower classes and this isnt fair. Money shouldnt separate people when it comes to health care, the severity of the illness should without a doubt be the only contributing factor.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

jobs and welfare blog issue #1- Ashton Gronholz

Does life really have to be unfair. That is a well known statement parents use on children when they deny them something they want. It's also used by wealthy Americans who are on the top of the mountain looking down at others working their butts off just to get off to get to the first ledge. Issue #1 talks about the increasing gap between the wealthy and middle class. While the share of national income going to the wealthy has increased 8%, the share going to the bottom 20% of society has actually decreased. This is a problem facing the American government as well as in other countries but the solution can't be found when people are butting heads to stand up for their side. Some people believe increasing taxes on the wealthy while decreasing taxes on middle class and people in poverty will help dramatically. The other side says job protection and trade barriers would reduce business profits and leave less to distribute to employees which barely helps the workers. They also believe raising taxes on wealthy would hurt everyone and eventually everything will work itself out. Globalization helped America because we are the kings of innovation, but now we are working to adapt and find a way to prosper once again.

In my mind there's only 1 clear cut answer to this problem, raise taxes. The wealthy people are only getting wealthier and this makes absolutely no sense. Why should they be getting richer when poverty is increasing and more and more people are struggling each day just to survive. The rich can argue by increasing taxes they will have less money to pay their employees and will only be forced to fire some. That is a lie, they do have the money if they are getting richer and if this is the case we need to set strict restrictions limiting their options. There are always going to be those people only looking out for themselves, but we need to try our best to cut them out of the picture. It may be true people get corrupt with power and only want more for themselves, and when that happens its time for them to take a gut check and look for the greater good. I dont see how they can sit and watch others suffer when they are reaping the benefits. In my opinion the corrupt wealthy people are among the most smug and evil criminals in this world and its about time would find a way to stop them. Tax the wealthy and if they have a problem with it tax them more because if they need to learn a valuble lesson the only way to get through to them is punishment. David Obey a Wisconsin Democrat and the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee agrees with taxing the wealthy. It doesnt say he directly agrees with taxing them more for everything, but he's definately for it. His stand point is taxing the wealthy for an increase in troops over in Afghanistan. Someone needs to pay for them if they are sent and he strongly thinks the wealthy should. Tim Lukes issue # 2,Kate Gearman.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Bully video- Ashton

This story was a video of a bully someone captured on tape. They were heckleing a girl that clearly wanted nothing to do with them. In the background there are others talking some agging the bully on and others telling her to stop, but no steps in and actually stops whats happening. It doesnt turn into a full scale fight, but the bully eventually punches the other girl then walks away. It doesnt show what caused to girl to act out like this. Im sure it was an over reaction to something small.
I think its great this is on the news because incidents like this happen all the time where a bigger boy or girl pick on another person just because there bigger, stronger and want to. It's not blown out of proportion when its put on the news. Things like this need to be stopped. Kids need to know they should help one another if their in trouble. Fighting solves nothing and is tramatic to everyone. Violence starts at a young age and progressively gets worse as people grow up. They start feeling more confident and may do things others wouldnt dream about. So its best we stop it at the root and makes sure kids are aware of problems like this so in the future it won't happen and crime rates would almost certainly go down.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tiger Woods apology- Ashton

In an article recently published it talks about Tiger Woods and a possible affair he had. He apologized on wednesday for his transgressions but never admitted to an affair. He said he let his family down and wasnt true to his values. He said his family deserves better. He also said he is very short of perfection and dealing with his problems publically as it should be.
Its hard to believe there wasnt an affair because he did apologize. However, if his family is having issues there is no reason the whole world needs to no. He is a normal human being and other affairs arent plastered all over the news if some unknown family is having problems. No one is perfect and he admits he's not and he did apologize for anything he did, but he shouldnt have to share anymore. Reporters are so annoying, and should get their noses out of other peoples business. The only thing their good for is important news like weather and tragedies like massive storms. This is a minor problem and the world shouldnt revolve around it. Let Tiger and his Wife settle it with some privacy.

Friday, November 20, 2009

World Cup- Ashton

This whole artcle talks about how Ireland was basically cheated out of a world cup appearance by France. Apparently a France player used his hand to bat the ball out of the air just before going out of bounds, which then led to a pass out front and a header goal. Not to mention this all happened in stoppage time. For anyone not aware of stoppage time in soccer its the last few minutes after the regulation playing time. The amount is decided by several aspects whether it will be 2 minutes, maybe 3, give or take a minute. The FAl (Irish Football Association) sent a game replay request to FIFA to atleast get a rematch. FIFA's reponse was no, they stated a game couldnt be replayed because of a mistake made by a referee.
It's hard to say which way im leaning in this controversy and I no many others feel the same. Soccer being the most popular world sport, I can imagine millions of people are going to be upset either way it goes. I somewhat agree with FIFA, just because a referee makes a mistake does not mean the game should be replayed. This happens all the time in other sports, but those game are not made up so why should this. On the other hand it is a lot of littles kids dream to grow up someday and play in the World Cup and for the players who may not succeed with that dream I feel greatly sorrowed. However you don't always get what you want. Some players may sit and complain, however the good ones will use this as a drive to push themselves even harder to make it to the following world cup. After some thought im going to have to agree with FIFA. They stood there ground and as long as they stay consistent with their decisions I have no complaints.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Google phone service- Ashton

This whole article basically stresses how important phones are to Americans. Mobile phones being as expensive as they are companies are constantly trying to find an edge and lower costs whille still getting paid. This last week google has finally came out of the closet. They've been working on this issue for some time and finally bought Gizmo5 an online phone company. The idea behind it is since google has such cheap fiber they will be able to lower phone costs dramatically, putting a little more cash in our pockets. "If AT&T is Coca-Cola, Google is now 7-UP," Abramson said. By this he means google will most definately be able to compete with other major phone services if not surpass them in the upcoming years.
I would just like to say an early congratulations to Google. If they plan lives up to the talk this would be a huge step in lower phone bills. Im lucky enough to have parents who pay for my bills, however ive seen the numbers and they arent pretty. It's a little ridiculous how spendy cellular devices are, but the sky is clearing up. I have nothing more to say except I support this plan 150%. By saving so many people hundreds of dollars each year its much larger than we think. A plan would cost roughly 6 dollars a month (just an early estimate give or take a few $) compared to the 50$ and up price per phone might i add. With technology becoming more and more advanced it seemed bills would only increase, not the case. Thanks Google, i hope everything goes accordingly.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Health Care blog- Ashton Gronholz

Issue #3- Safe to Eat?

Issue 3 focuses on the sale of organic products throughout the U.S. that can be linked to the health care system. It talks about some food born illnesses like E-coli, and an outbreak in 2006 that came from a California farm where pigs and cow manure spread in a spinach field and contaminated the food. Many experts say the increase of illnesses such as these, the blame can be put on us somewhat. We eat alot more raw and organic food to stay healthy so obviously the risk of spreading problems will also increase. Most food is becoming centralized partially because certain foods can only be grown in certain climates so for states such as California and Arizona about half of the nations produce come from them. Another problem we can work to solve is making one government regulated agency that should account for all meat, and agricultural products. The FDA for example oversee the fruit and vegetable industry. Where as the Dedpartment of Agriculture watch over meat and poultry. Many argue that there should be just one and these other agencies should merge together to form 1 mass regulator. They think the government could respond much quicker and efficiently than before.

Better health care, isn't that what we all want. Well if we had one major inspection agency for all food products, we could then focus on the necessities. Food is a major part of our economy, however health care is 1/6. That is a staggering statistic. With something that plays such a major role in this country we need to do our best to make it succeed. In my opinion were struggling to do that. Prices are soaring and we need to fix that. A major issue talked about is how people need to feel safe when they eat food; 1 agency could do this. They could all work together to better the country. Rush Limbaugh Somewhat agrees with my stand on the issue. Put into different words he is a conservative and he favors what the government already has but bradual change is sometimes needed. Aaron Rentschler issue 2, Tim lukes issue 1.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tropical Storm Ida- Ashton Gronholz

The most recent tropical storm known as Ida has been getting alot of desired attention lately. It finally reached the Gulf coast of Tuesday. Although it lost alot of power on the journey it still created some heavy rains across the southeast. It arrived at Dauphin Island, Alabama around 5:40 C.T. By 7:00 it was 25 miles within Alabama mainland. The storm at maxed out winds up to 45 mph and stronger gusts mixed in. The heavy rains have caused some floods in Alabama and Florida. Authorities have warned people of flooding, but since this is not a major storm not much consideration was recieved. Most Alabamans plan to wait it out and hope for the best.
In my opinion a storm of such low caliber should not even be allowed on the news. There is no threat to human lives unless their stupid enough to stay under water if their city does flood. Not many people want to hear about this kind of stuff when it doesnt affect them at all. I understand hurricanes can be deadly, but hurricane Ida at the moment is not much of a threat. Tornadoes are deadly also, but we dont see those stories spewed all over the news and internet every time one hits some hick down. Sure there are occasional reports, but it seems like every time there are small tropical news alot of fuss and complaining is done. Major news in Florida "it's raining," big deal. It's little thing that frustrate me about the media they blow stories way out of proportion just to get attention. Storms are natural occurances and we as people need to accept this. Deal with it people the world doesnt revolve around us. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against helping people in need, but when they actually need to help then it should be on the news. Dont waste our time.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Yankees Win 2009 World Series- Ashton Gronholz

The Yankees won the world series last night over the Phillies 7-3 for the national championship. They took the series in a total of 6 games, ending with last nights thriller. They started off the new ball park good winning the pennet in it's first year of existance; the same goes for the old ballpark which was built in 1923. Hideki Matsui had a record breaking night with a hr, double, single, and 6 RBI's, this is probaly why he was awarded MVP of the world series. While Hideki was crushing phillies pitchers, the opposite could be said for Andy Pettite the Yankees pitchers who was keeping the phillies offense in check. This was the Yankees 27th title and first since 2000.
In my mind the baseball world should expect nothing less then a national championship out of the Yankees every single year. With a roster like that it leaves competetion in the dust. Now im not trying to take away from the players who worked so hard to achieve this goal, but it's a disgrace that the MLB officials and commisioner allow such a stacked roster. The Phillies, a team within the salary cap might i add, played their hearts out and recieved, well in my mind a treasurable experience, but should have had more. We need to set limits on teams, that's why we have the salary cap. It would make baseball so much enjoyable to watch. On the other hand if the Phillies would have won, it makes the thrill that much better being able to say they defeated a team like that so i guess the arguement could go both ways. But put it up to the fans, we should decide the Yankees fate, because after all without the fans the MLB would be just another lost hobby.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Yankees advance to world Series- Ashton Gronholz

New York defeated the Los Angeles Angels last night taking the best of 7 series in 6 games. The 5-2 defeat knocked the angels out of the running for the world series while the Yankees make an astonishing 40th franchise world series visit. Their next game will be against the Phillies on wednesday night in the Bronx. There was a record breaking 50,173 fans at the new yankee stadium that cost 1.5 billion. The Yankees recorded their first AL pennet since 2003. Rodriguez is looking forward to his first world series appearance and he did all he could to make that happen with a .586 on-base percentage. Including the division series win against the Twins, Rodriguez has hit five home runs with 12 RBIs. In previous playoffs he lacked the batting touch swinging in at just .148.
I think its a joke that the yankees are even allowed to participate in MLB. With an outragous salary cap of around 160 million it unevens the playing field dramatically. Just look at their roster, every single name is well known or atleast heard of by even the smallest fan. With players like Rodriguez, Jeter, Sabathia, and the list goes on and on it's no wonder why they make the playoffs every year. They should be ashamed when they dont make the world series because of that roster. Being a Twins fan i feel people just may feel im jealous my team lost, however a proper baseball fan would agree with me. A team thats allowed so much leway when it comes to salary cap should not be allowed to participate. Something needs to be done immediately to even this team out and make it fair for every other team in Major leage baseball.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Current Issue Blog

Spending what we can afford is a major topic being discussed in our national government at this time and age. Many issues are spread across the sheet, this sticks out the most for me. "Paygo" a rule congress thought up in 2007 requires that any tax cuts or increases in entitlement spending be offset with spending reductions elsewhere. This means exactly what the title says. However much money we have to spend, thats all we can use no more. It is unsure whether this would be the right way to go because they say it will only cause tax increases to pay for new programs. On the other hand many agree with this idea because they say it will stop the national debt from going up, or better yet start to decrease it. Alot of people are afraid it will only cost most to make this happen, but congress believes they can do it without increasing the national debt, and the program has the mobility to be suspended in times of recession or crisis. Social Security, and Medicare for example are two programs we have right now we are running out of money for. Programs like these do help the American people greatly that is why we need money for them. It is said that by 2017 the government will be spending more money for these programs than they are recieving from taxes meaning the debt will keep going up. With pay go we will be able to limit the programs use to people that really need them, and in turn not spend more than we have.

I believe pay go would have a fantastic outcome for us. I dont see how it would have a negative effect except for limiting the people taking advantage of benefits they dont actually need. Which would actually be wonderful. There is no reason why our social security should be running out if all citizens over 18 pay taxes. Our government needs to tighten up on those people using programs they have no use for. If people thought about others for once rather than just themselves we would be much better off, Civic Virtue. Pay go would be a great add on to our counry. It would have only positive effects. Take a look at a smaller idea. People who dont use credit cards for example and stay out of debt by only spending what they earn are in much better condition than people in debt. I know people like this and that is why i can say they dont have financial problems, atleast from debt. That is why pay go would be great. People (especially Americans) need to realize by spending no more than what you have life would be so much easier. Jim Hightower, generally has the same opinion I do when it comes to lowering the national debt. What better way than use Pay go to limit government spending and only put the money where it is truly needed. JIM HIGHTOWER. HALLEY THUL current event article on social security/ Jon Schwegal blog warfare spending.

Friday, October 9, 2009

ACORN chief says videos make my stomach turn- Aaron Rentschler

After reading Aarons blog it opened my eyes to a thing i would have never expected. ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), is a federally funded organization that is supposed to be helping low income families with; safety, health care, and other social issues. This organization was found showing underage girls how to start prosituting and other major issues. The chief of is very upset because she didnt know this was going on and now they are trying to work to fix the corruption. Aaron was discusted with how instead of helping people they were giving them advice on how to start illegal businesses. He also noted that businesses like Bank of America have pulled their funding.
I agree with Aarons position on this issue. If an organization is made to help others in a good way they shouldnt be wasting government money to do the complete opposite. I too am discusting after reading they were doing the things they did. How can someones morals be screwed up so much they dont even realize how bad something like this is. Any normal, ethically human being would even think of providing help for prostitution or other illegal businesses. This is just another example of all the corrupt people in this world. We need none of it and anyone caught doing lude acts such as this should be put in jail and kept away from society for life because either way they waste tax money.

Friday, October 2, 2009


President Obama recently spoke to the international Olympic committee on Friday urging them to pick his home town of Chicago for the 2016 Olympic games. He said the site would represent America well, because of the American dream and will have great Olympic spirit. While talking to the 106 members of IOC in Copenhagen, Denmark it was the final chance of being chosen for the host city. Obama thinks putting on big events and scores of visitors is just a walk in the park for Chicago. Chicago is 1 of 4 cities put in front of the committee and they're all trying to get in the last word. Experts say all 4 cities have a good chance but Chicago may have a slight edge.
I think this would be a great experience for the visitors and athletes. Anytime the Olympics take place in America that seems to be the center of attention for a couple weeks. Most Americans enjoy sports and that's why Chicago would be a prime spot for the Olympics. Its a big sports city with the bears, white sox, blackhawks, and much much more. Supporting Obama seems the only way to go because someday i hope to go to the olympic games and how convienent it would be if they were as close as Chicago.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Pelosi insurance tax to fund health care

The house speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Friday a tax will be placed on high end insurance plans. Currently house democrat leaders are working on finalizing the bill. They are trying to cut around 200 billion dollars from the costs. The congressional buisness office estimated that the bill would be around $1.1 trillion, but Obama wants it to be around $900 billion. This tax has a surtax on the wealthy americans who make over $350,000 a year.
If we want to have a health care plan this would be a wonderful way to fund it. With the shortage of money and the weak economy it would only make sense to tax the people that have a great amount of money. Although the rich may disagree they should stop being so selfish and have some civic virtue. Many of those people have no need for most of their money, but they still want more, more, more. Its about time our government started realizing the wealthy should fork out the most money because they need it the least.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ashton's blog/Obama Warns Wallstreet

In the article i read Obama was making a clear statement about warning wallstreet. Over the years wallstreet has been behaving recklessely and Obama finally took a stand. He explained how they were mainly to blame for almost causing another depression. Being as that Wall street is the "influential finacial interests" of American finacial industry everything mistake they make affects Americans. Obama announced to Wall Street that they could no longer count on another bailout so any further slip ups with have dire consequences. Obama says although the economy is recovering we cant slack or the same thing will happen. He basically says we need to learn from our mistakes to keep this country stong as useual.
I strongly agree with this speech Obama finally came out with and i believe so do many other Americans. Since Wall Street plays a great role in this country fiancial aspects every little thing affects us all so we rely on them doing a good job. This speech may have woken then up a little, hopefully helping them realize the fate of our country depends on them. Going back to an assignment i did we all need to have civic virtue and not think of ourselves 100% of the time. There are low many greedy people involved with Wall Street and i believe thats part of the problem. They want more, more, more, and when hundreds of people think this way it ruins everyone else. If Wall street does not fix their problems, Obama will intervene and remove these viruses from the body of society.